Beni Salzberg
Tour Guide​
Beni Salzberg
Tour Guide​
Beni Salzberg
Tour Guide​
Beni Salzberg
Tour Guide​
Beni Salzberg
Tour Guide​
Beni Salzberg
Tour Guide​
Beni Salzberg
Tour Guide​
Beni Salzberg
Tour Guide​
Beni Salzberg
Tour Guide​
Beni Salzberg
Tour Guide​
Beni Salzberg
Tour Guide​
Beni Salzberg
Tour Guide​
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Site by Sight

The eBooklet is a visual documentation focused on what you see on site. Complementary to information found in printed and online sources, it can be used on-site or off-site by first timers and seasoned tour guides alike.

The VISUAL DICTIONARY is an eBooklet dedicated to a specific site. Guiding your eyes along the walls, up the ceiling and down the floor, the eBooklet will help you understand what you see, recall the appropriate Biblical references, and provide a comprehensive insight of the site.

The HERE AND THERE is an eBooklet dedicated to a common theme. Documenting a common theme across various locations, it connects sites and sights in an unexpected way, thus enriching your overall Holy Land experience.

Note: Due to limited internet access inside many churches, it is advisable to download the eBooklet before entering the site


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